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xTool S1 Screen Printing Kit: 1st Screen Printing Solution with Laser for Arts & Crafts

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S1 40W Screen Printing EDU Basic Kit



Professional flagship laser screen printing kit for Arts & Crafts. Precise & Powerful cutting, boosts productivity. Enclosed. Safe. And ready to use.
  • xTool Screen Printer Basic Kit
  • xTool S1 40W Diode Laser Engraver
  • xTool S1 40W Honeycomb Panel
  • xTool S1 40W Smart Air Assist
  • xTool S1 EDU Material Kit
  • Smoke Purifier
  • Free E-Educator Guide
  • FREE Material Kit($209)
  • Free Fire Safety Set($189)

S1 40W Screen Printing EDU Multi-Colored Kit



Professional flagship laser screen printing kit for Arts & Crafts. Precise & Powerful cutting, boosts productivity. Enclosed. Safe. And ready to use.
  • xTool Screen Printer Multi-Colored Kit
  • xTool S1 40W Diode Laser Engraver
  • xTool S1 40W Honeycomb Panel
  • xTool S1 40W Smart Air Assist
  • xTool S1 EDU Material Kit
  • Smoke Purifier
  • Free E-Educator Guide
  • FREE Material Kit($209)
  • Free Fire Safety Set($189)

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xTool S1 Screen Printing Kit: 1st Screen Printing Solution with Laser for Arts & Crafts

xTool S1 Screen Printing Kit: 1st Screen Printing Solution with Laser for Arts & Crafts

$2,849.00 $4,329.00

The World 1st Screen
Printer with Laser

Explore the Possibilities of Screen Printing,
Laser Cutting and Engraving for Art & Crafts

Featured Highlights

Features Highlights

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The Reinventing Solution for Visual Arts

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Printmaking Course

Textile Design Course.jpg__PID:0a6ec238-da86-4c41-abc9-65d8baf76696

Textile Design Course

Fashion Design.jpg__PID:c2437957-db2d-4cc0-aecc-cf7f92c0c57e

Fashion Design

Graphic Design.jpg__PID:2d9cc0ee-cccf-4f92-80c5-7e180a6ec238

Graphic Design

Comprehensive Resources to Ease Course Prep

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Educator Guide

We've prepared you with the comprehensive educator guide, ensuring a successful implementation of xTool to empower creation in your classroom.

Explore Now >

Free Software.jpg__PID:db2d9cc0-eecc-4f7f-92c0-c57e180a6ec2Free Software.jpg__PID:d8f43fcb-50b0-43ae-b575-a8a0a98d3d10

Free Software

The software includes a Screen Print Art AI module for creating vivid color illustrations and a vast library of ready-to-print designs.

Explore Now >

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5000+ Projects

A curated collection of ready-to-edit designs and tutorials to help inspire your class preparation.

Explore Now >

How-to Tutorials.jpg__PID:9cc0eecc-cf7f-42c0-857e-180a6ec238daHow-to Tutorial.jpg__PID:3fcb50b0-f3ae-4575-a8a0-a98d3d10864f

How-to Tutorials

Explore laser projects on the xTool How-to page for step-by-step creative inspiration.

Explore Now >

The Reinventing Solution for Visual Arts

Printmaking Course.jpg__PID:aef575a8-a0a9-4d3d-9086-4ff567a1f70a

Printmaking Course

Inspire K12 school students with STEAM projects and how robots can be integrated into robotics, engineering, and coding learning.

Textile Design Course.jpg__PID:3d10864f-f567-41f7-8a83-fc11f85ed6b7

Textile Design Course

Universities harness the power of robots for research, engineering courses, and immersive robotics programs.

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Fashion Design

Empower students to explore their creativity and transform ideas into tangible creations.

Graphic Design.jpg__PID:f43fcb50-b0f3-4ef5-b5a8-a0a98d3d1086

Graphic Design

A perfect blend of fun and learning. These camps allow kids to delve deeper into robotics and technology.

Funding the Visual Arts

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Why Choose
xTool S1 Laser
Screen Printer?

Easier & Faster Set Up Cut Days to Hours

Why Choose.jpg__PID:6ec238da-860c-41eb-8965-d8baf76696b21-3 hours.jpg__PID:9d3e9aba-a380-4ee2-9971-4be13ad8f43f24-48 hours.jpg__PID:3e9abaa3-808e-4259-b14b-e13ad8f43fcb


For Teachers.jpg__PID:7957db2d-9cc0-4ecc-8f7f-92c0c57e180a

For Teachers

Effortlessly prepare for classes in record time and alleviate the weight of lesson planning

For Students.jpg__PID:437957db-2d9c-40ee-8ccf-7f92c0c57e18

For Students

Keep track of emerging technology and prepare themselves with cutting-edge skills for their future careers.


Key Features

Cut 24 Hours to 1 Hour Stencil Creation with Laser-speed.jpg__PID:58b5c0c2-4379-47db-ad9c-c0eecccf7f92

Pre-coated Screen Ready for Use

Cut 24 Hours to 1 Hour Stencil Creation with Laser-speed

Pre-coated screen ready for use

Explore exciting tech design.png__PID:369a0f43-2ff6-49ae-8e60-e6a531048816

30s EasyStretchTM Frame Design

Using 4 integrated tensioning strips and 6 quick-pull wrenches, xTool’s groundbreaking EasyStretch design simplifies the screen stretching process to an amazing 30 seconds! It also ensures uniform tension and allows for quicker and more convenient screen swapping.


Cut 24 hours to 1 hour stencil creation with laser-speed

Stencil creation is reduced from approx. 24 hours to about an hour - at laser speed! Same-day production becomes a reality, optimizing timely delivery and sample presentations. Also, the testing process of various inks on different substrates can be tested quickly and efficiently.

Cut 24 Hours to 1 Hour Stencil Creation with Laser Speed

Stencil creation is reduced from approx. 24 hours to about an hour - at laser speed! Same-day production becomes a reality, optimizing timely delivery and sample presentations. Also, the testing process of various inks on different substrates can be tested quickly and efficiently.

Pre-coated Screen Ready for Use

Pre-coated screen are ready to use right out of the box, eliminating the traditional wait time for the photopolymer to set.

30s EasyStretchTM Frame Design

Using 4 integrated tensioning strips and 6 quick-pull wrenches, xTool’s groundbreaking EasyStretch design simplifies the screen stretching process to an amazing 30 seconds! It also ensures uniform tension and allows for quicker and more convenient screen swapping.

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Cut 24 hours to 1 hour stencil creation with laser-speed

Stencil creation is reduced from approx. 24 hours to about an hour - at laser speed! Same-day production becomes a reality, optimizing timely delivery and sample presentations. Also, the testing process of various inks on different substrates can be tested quickly and efficiently.

Pre-coated screen ready for use

Pre-coated screen are ready to use right out of the box, eliminating the traditional wait time for the photopolymer to set.

Extreme Printing Details at
Industrial Level

Even beginners can create delicate masterpieces

0.01'' Extreme Detail with Laser

Utilizing a laser beam finer than a strand of hair to create stencils, we achieve a remarkable precision of up to 0.01mm, preserving every detail of your images.

Lossless Printing Quality

The traditional stencil-making process with exposure and high-pressure washing may lead to graphic distortion, especially for unseasoned beginners, resulting in loss of design intricacies. xTool's solution employs lasers to craft the screen directly, minimizing inconsistency.

Extreme Printing Details at Industrial Level

Even beginners can create delicate masterpieces

0.01'' Extreme Detail with Laser

Utilizing a laser beam finer than a strand of hair to create stencils, we achieve a remarkable precision of up to 0.01mm, preserving every detail of your images.

Lossless Printing Quality

The traditional stencil-making process with exposure and high-pressure washing may lead to graphic distortion, especially for unseasoned beginners, resulting in loss of design intricacies. xTool's solution employs lasers to craft the screen directly, minimizing inconsistency.

Multicolor Overprinting Precise and

Perfect Results by Dedicating to Details

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View multicolor overprinting in action.png__PID:9a0f432f-f689-4e0e-a0e6-a53104881641View multicolor overprinting in action.png__PID:9a0f432f-f689-4e0e-a0e6-a53104881641

Frame Fixing Piece
Perfect Overprinting Every Time

With the frame fixing piece in the multi-color set and laser combo, pair it with the laser engraver to lock your screen frame in the same place every time. Easily adjust the image position in the software for accurate multi-frame overprinting.

Quick-Release Frame Clamp, 10-Second Fast Switch

The quick-release frame clamp structure on the rack facilitates a swift stencil switch, paving the way for the seamless creation of multicolor masterpieces.

3-axis Micro Registration, Save Your Space

Equipped with a vertical motion axis and two rotational axes, our 3-axis Micro Registration system provides dynamic, precise screen adjustments. This feature ensures pinpoint accuracy for multicolor prints and supports the execution of more complex printing tasks. Achieve perfection in every print with the ability to make micro-adjustments on the fly.

Pre-coated screen ready for use

Pre-coated screen are ready to use right out of the box, eliminating the traditional wait time for the photopolymer to set.


Precise Multicolor Printing with Reusable Frame

Our detachable screen and frame allow for repeated reuse and compact storage. Additionally, when reattaching the frame, we prepare a solution to help you mount the screen with consistent margins every time.

Frame Fixing Piece Perfect Overprinting Every Time

With the frame fixing piece in the multi-color set and laser combo, pair it with the laser engraver to lock your screen frame in the same place every time. Easily adjust the image position in the software for accurate multi-frame overprinting.

Quick-Release Frame Clamp, 10-Second Fast Switch

The quick-release frame clamp structure on the rack facilitates a swift stencil switch, paving the way for the seamless creation of multicolor masterpieces.

3-axis Micro Registration, Save Your Space

Equipped with a vertical motion axis and two rotational axes, our 3-axis Micro Registration system provides dynamic, precise screen adjustments. This feature ensures pinpoint accuracy for multicolor prints and supports the execution of more complex printing tasks. Achieve perfection in every print with the ability to make micro-adjustments on the fly.

Precise Multicolor Printing with Reusable Frame

Our detachable screen and frame allow for repeated reuse and compact storage. Additionally, when reattaching the frame, we prepare a solution to help you mount the screen with consistent margins every time.


Enjoy Screen-printing even in Small Space

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Key Features

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the Fun for 
Arts & Craft

The combination of laser and screen printing empowers students to create more valuable artwork.

Unleash Creativity with Ease and Peace of Mind

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One Click Auto Focus

Our technology guides the laser spot to penetrate below the surface, unleashing cutting-edge ability and engraving precision, achieving hands-free accuracy.


Ready to use straight out of the box, just unpack and start.


Time Saved


Pin-point™ Positioning

Next-Level Precision

Precision Matters for Your Treasures

S1 is equipped with revolutionary Pin-point Positioning™️ technology, and is 10 times* more accurate than single-camera systems. Effortlessly aiding you in accomplishing delicate engraving tasks, bidding farewell to waste and loss caused by positioning deviations.


*The data is sourced from the xTool laboratory and obtained under specific testing conditions.

One-pass Engraving Success, Zero Waste️

No matter the shape, it handles perfectly.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Snapshot & Batch fill

Snap a photo and seamlessly transfer to the desktop software for one-click Smart Fill, making bulk projects accurate and automated.

Product Manager Q&A

Product Manager Q&A.jpg__PID:7ef0c421-4b10-4dc1-b85f-b74d38fc6161Product Manager Q&A.jpg__PID:d0e8ac76-eb0e-48d3-bb26-aaeacf840dacLearn more about Pin-point™ positioning


Stay Safe with the Fire Safety Set

Stay Safe with the Fire Safety Set.jpg__PID:7e180a6e-c238-4a86-8c41-ebc965d8baf7安全性+灭火盒子.jpg__PID:2e6d2941-35a4-460b-95a7-39aaeaa13dec

Laser Key Lock

Unplugging the lock prevents the laser from operating, avoiding accidental use by children or others.


Protect Your Eyes

The large, high-transparency cover offers excellent dual-band light filtering (0.85% red light left;0.35% blue light left), enabling clear process observation without goggles.


Bye Harmful Gases

To protect health, powerful exhaust fans quickly discharge the harmful gases produced by laser processing.


Lid-open Stop Design

Open the machine cover during operation and stop processing immediately.


Move-Triggered Shutdown

If the machine is moved rapidly or struck forcefully by foreign objects, it will automatically cease operation.


Emergency Stop Button

Press the button on the side of the machine to stop processing.

Top-tier Protection with Class 1 Laser Safety

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Colorful Screen Printing

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Shop Materials

Diverse Laser Creations

Diverse Laser Ceations.jpg__PID:b5c0c243-7957-4b2d-9cc0-eecccf7f92c0Diverse Laser Ceations.jpg__PID:8ee25971-4be1-4ad8-b43f-cb50b0f3aef5

Printing-made by Creators Like You


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Enter NowxTool S1 Screen Printing Kit.jpg__PID:00ca353a-9b87-4ba8-997b-d6ef2d4e003dxTool S1 Screen Printing Kit.jpg__PID:ba6f36f9-8e5e-48df-b726-f632a3fe52b7

Take their Words, Not Ours


I didn't know anything about screen printing until i got this unit and the fact that I could make the screen with S1 was pretty amazing.

YouTuber: @Laser Engraving 911


It saves so much time rather than the traditional approach of making screens.

YouTuber: @ Six Eight Woodworks


This might be the fastest screen print starter kit because it eliminates the learning process on how to burn a design into a screen.

YouTuber: @ Mylo Prints


I didn't know anything about screen printing until i got this unit and the fact that I could make the screen with S1 was pretty amazing

YouTuber: @Laser Engraving 911


It saves so much time rather than the traditional approach of making screens

YouTuber: @ Six Eight Woodworks


This might be the fastest screen print starter kit because it eliminates the learning process on how to burn a design into a screen

YouTuber: @ Mylo Prints

Suggested Settings

Suggested Settings.jpg__PID:180a6ec2-38da-460c-81eb-c965d8baf766Suggested Settings.jpg__PID:8d3d1086-4ff5-47a1-b70a-83fc11f85ed6