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Makeblock Robot Kits & xTool Laser Cutters

Best sellers

New Arrivals

STEAM Robots

Laser Tools

Makeblock mBot2-1.jpg__PID:3cb986f1-0405-49b0-b9e6-384d636c22d3

Makeblock mBot2

Coding Robot Kit Tailored for STEM Education


Makeblock mBot-1.jpg__PID:ff8f3cb9-86f1-4405-89b0-f9e6384d636c

Makeblock mBot

Embrace the Exciting World of Robotics with Detailed Coding Projects!


Makeblock mBot Ultimate-1.jpg__PID:9ea1ff8f-3cb9-46f1-8405-49b0f9e6384d

Makeblock mBot Ultimate

10-in-1 Robot Building Kit for Robotics/Programming Learning


xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter-1.jpg__PID:b0f9e638-4d63-4c22-934a-314adbd4b74d

xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter

Desktop 55W CO2 Laser Cutter


xTool S1 Screen Printing Kit-1.jpg__PID:2b5fedeb-647f-41c7-8556-fbd5c882f8c3

xTool S1 Screen Printing Kit

1st Screen Printing Solution with Laser for Arts & Crafts


mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit.jpg__PID:41da3314-81c4-4b5f-adeb-647f31c70556

mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit

Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play


mBot Ranger with Coding Box.jpg__PID:d341da33-1481-442b-9fed-eb647f31c705

mBot Ranger with Coding Box

3-in-1 Robotics Kit for Kids with Coding Tutorials


Makeblock mBot2.jpg__PID:87c8b8d3-41da-4314-81c4-2b5fedeb647f

Makeblock mBot2

Coding Robot Kit Tailored for STEM Education


Makeblock mTiny.jpg__PID:b8d341da-3314-41c4-ab5f-edeb647f31c7

Makeblock mTiny

Screen-Free Learning Toddler Toy for Hands-On Learning


Makeblock Codey Rocky.jpg__PID:1a14d2d0-b8f2-47c8-b8d3-41da331481c4

Makeblock Codey Rocky

An Interactive Robot Toy for Kids to Learn Robotics and Programming


Makeblock mBot Ranger.jpg__PID:14d2d0b8-f287-48b8-9341-da331481c42b

Makeblock mBot Ranger

3-in-1 Robotics Kit for Kids with More Playtime and Learning Possibilities


Makeblock mBot Ultimate-1.jpg__PID:d0b8f287-c8b8-4341-9a33-1481c42b5fed

Makeblock mBot Ultimate

10-in-1 Robot Building Kit for Robotics/Engineering/Programming Learning


xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter.jpg__PID:1481c42b-5fed-4b64-bf31-c70556fbd5c8

xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter

Desktop 55W CO2 Laser Cutter


xTool F1 Fastest Portable Diode Laser Engraver.jpg__PID:da331481-c42b-4fed-ab64-7f31c70556fb

xTool F1 Fastest Portable Diode Laser Engraver

Fastest Portable IR & Diode Laser Engraver


xTool S1 Screen Printing Kit.jpg__PID:c42b5fed-eb64-4f31-8705-56fbd5c882f8

xTool S1 Screen Printing Kit

1st Screen Printing Solution with Laser for Arts & Crafts


xTool M1 Laser Engraver and Vinyl Cutter.jpg__PID:331481c4-2b5f-4deb-a47f-31c70556fbd5

xTool M1 Laser Engraver and Vinyl Cutter

Smart Laser Engraver and Vinyl Cutter


New Released

Get your hands on our newest release today and be impressed.

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xTool S1 Screen Printing Kit

Upgrade your visual arts educational experience with precise results and faster setup.

Learn More >

New Released_mBot2 Rover.jpg__PID:23bc6a71-a936-4b57-9ea9-845143632b2b

mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit

Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play

Learn More >

Makeblock STEAM Education Solution

Makeblock STEAM Robot Kits.jpg__PID:01e6751a-5832-461e-8804-9ead7bb70ccaMakeblock  STEAM Robot Kits.jpg__PID:1a5832f6-1ec8-449e-ad7b-b70cca2ccd07

Makeblock STEAM Robot Kits

Embark on a journey of quality education for K-12 as you utilize these Hi-Tech robots to light up kids' potential.

Shop Now >
xTool Laser Cutters and Engravers.jpg__PID:e6751a58-32f6-4ec8-849e-ad7bb70cca2cxTool Laser Cutters and Engravers.jpg__PID:5832f61e-c804-4ead-bbb7-0cca2ccd0787

xTool Laser Cutters and Engravers

Transform a hands-on learning adventure by equipping classes with a laser engraver for the ultimate solution.

Shop Now >

Rich Resources for All Teaching Needs



Transform your ideas into captivating real-life projects effortlessly with easy-to-use software.

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Lessons & Cases

Transform your ideas into captivating real-life projects effortlessly with easy-to-use software.

Get Resources >


Get inspiration today with our how-to tutorials to lessen your stress out of prep.

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Recognition by Professionals

TechCrunch LOGO.jpg__PID:ba15a69f-5f22-48c8-acdf-3c13f51e68be
mom junction.jpg__PID:c4bdf29b-a08d-4d00-a701-2ed673234194
PCMag LOGO.jpg__PID:f29ba08d-2d00-4701-aed6-73234194905d
tech advisor.jpg__PID:6bdeba15-a69f-4f22-98c8-6cdf3c13f51e
tech republic.jpg__PID:deba15a6-9f5f-4298-886c-df3c13f51e68
TechCrunch LOGO.jpg__PID:ba15a69f-5f22-48c8-acdf-3c13f51e68be
mom junction.jpg__PID:c4bdf29b-a08d-4d00-a701-2ed673234194
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Ideal for Education and Homeschooling

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Challenging Program in K-12 Schools

Students maneuvered mBot Ultimate robots through a challenging course on a simulated Mars surface.

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Makerspace in Preparatory School

Students in 7th grade use the P2 to create blades for wind-powered turbines to understand physics and engineering.

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Vocational High School in the United States

In addition to building and coding activities during class, students decorated their mBot Mega robots with custom-designed "eyes".

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Education Course at University

Students assemble robots, begin programming, and work to integrate this type of problem-solving into their elementary education curriculum.

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Robot Camps in the United States

Students in 7th grade use the P2 to create blades for wind-powered turbines to understand physics and engineering.

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Hands-on Museum in the United States

Kids use mBot Ultimate to take on their basic challenge and try to deliver LEGO pieces to the goal.

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Embracing Homeschooling

Let children explore, learn, and thrive in a supportive environment with mBot Ranger.

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Teacher Training in South Korea

Teacher training conducted by Makeblock's Partners in South Korea, empowering teachers with mTiny.

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Engaging Outdoor Learning

They had fun with mBot Ranger outdoors and explored natural beauty.

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Holiday Robotics Workshop

Kids remodeled Codey Rocky with building bricks and enjoyed the holiday adventure!

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Happy Tangible Learning

mTiny never disappoints in making kids laugh!

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SmartKids Makerspace in Albania

Teachers introduced the mBot to Pre-K children so they can play and have fun with it

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Computer Lab in Italy

The third-class computer lab started with the assembly of the mbot2 and students were having fun.

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Antarctic Data Collection Project

Students from Portugal and Bulgaria have successfully completed the Antarctic data collection task using mBot Ranger.

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MakeX Robotics Competition

So incredibly proud of these amazing young men and their fabulous teachers!!

See Makeblock in Actions


Innovate hands-on coding learning for Ages 8+. Coding+Fun-filled building + Hands-on Learning = Best Learning Journey

mBot Ranger

Engage students and children in a diverse range of activities, combining the thrill of outdoor fun with immersive robotics learning experiences.

xTool P2

Ignite learning by transforming intricate concepts into tangible real-life projects, empowering your students with a deeper understanding of knowledge.

Purchase Orders & Quotes

Are you ready to get Makeblock products in your classrooms? Learn how to submit a purchase order or request a quote to get the ball rolling!

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Discover More from Our Blog

How to Choose the Right Laser Cutter for Classroom _Guide for Educators.jpg__PID:368b8a3b-7042-4b3e-81da-c8cfedfab786

For Educators

30+ Genius Invention Ideas for Students to Boost Their Creativity

30+ Genius Invention Ideas for Students to Boost Their Creativity.jpg__PID:7a316cae-5a36-4b8a-bb70-424b3e81dac8

For Educators

How to Choose the Right Laser Cutter for Classroom | Ultimate Guide for Educators

How Laser Cutter Brings New Inspiration to the Classroom.jpg__PID:5a368b8a-3b70-424b-be81-dac8cfedfab7

For Educators

How Laser Cutter Brings New Inspiration to the Classroom

How to quickly organize a robot competition.jpg__PID:8b8a3b70-424b-4e81-9ac8-cfedfab78680

For Educators

How to quickly organize a robot competition

About Makeblock

About Makeblock.jpg__PID:316cae5a-368b-4a3b-b042-4b3e81dac8cf



30+ Million Users Used Our Products



200,000+ Schools Adopts Our Education Solution



People from 210+ Countries Used our Products


Years of Innovation

Pioneer in Innovation and Technology for 10+ Years

Since 2013, Makeblock has been committed to delivering STEAM education solutions that cultivate a growth mindset in the future generation of problem solvers. By developing essential skills for students worldwide, we consistently innovate, introducing cutting-edge laser engraving tools - xTool and empowering educators to take the classroom to new heights.

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About Makeblock.jpg__PID:32420b09-f3ac-41a2-93a1-e0a9242b1c35

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We care for you before and after, igniting your creativity and enthusiasm as you venture into the world of creation, taking your learning experience to the next level.


Items Stocked Locally. Enjoy 3-7 Days Fast Delivery. Free Shipping Over $39.99.


Durable Robot with Aluminum Alloy Material.


Free Software available on PC, Mobile, Tablet, and More!


One-Year Hassle-Free Warranty for Peace of Mind.